You must be level 61 then nuke the enemy while your loosing in a game type such as , tdm,domination,demolition.
You unlock it by getting to 10th Prestige.
See related links.
2nd prestige
Ten Tactical Nukes to unlock the emblem.
It happens to be a title, not an emblem. You're supposed to get 25 kills with fragmentation grenades.
call in 25
You unlock it by getting to 10th Prestige.
To earn the Stealth Bomber emblem, you must call in 25 of them. Which is killstreak challenge 3.
See related links.
2nd prestige
The pirate flag emblem is currently unknown and not verified... but the skull and bones emblem is when you get twenty game winning kills.
Call in 50 Pave Lows.
Ten Tactical Nukes to unlock the emblem.
25 kills with cooked frags.
Holt theres a emblem like that? look on Google
Kill 2 or more enemies with a single frag grenade, 50 times.
by killing someone with a ten or more killstreak that's for the emblem