when Pokemon emerald first came out, you should of bought it. after 3 years you can sell it on eBay for 80 bucks or more. if you really want that game, you will have to pay big bucks for it.
all Pokemon games cost up to 20 to 80 $
Pokemon emerald costs 40.00 plus tax { pretty rare game }
You can't, Poffins were an addition to Diamond and Pearl, much much later than Emerald.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.
where do you get the spade from on Pokemon emerald
emerald is not for the DS it is for the Gameboy It would be $30.00
it cost muging 40 dollars you mug aka Michael died
Pokemon emerald costs 40.00 plus tax { pretty rare game }
emerald ruby
15$ at EB Games Canada
You can't, Poffins were an addition to Diamond and Pearl, much much later than Emerald.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
You cannot catch all the pokemon in emerald. You much catch the maximum for that game, and trade or cheat in the rest.
You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.
not much only in sapphire you can only catch kyogre and in emerald you can catch both kyogre and groudon.
It is in every shop except in Odale Town they cost 350 each.