well you can use it on anyone you want just not a trainer i would suggest giratina
if u use any masterball cheat u get bad egg in Pokemon PC
you get it when you beat all the johto badges in the game and prof. oak will call you and give you a masterball p.s never let a sister use your pokemon games if she doesn't know pokemon and you have a masterball hope this helps!
Well you would think on Dialga but no, you should use it on Mespirit because when you try to catch Mespirit it keeps running away from you so you mite as well get it on your first try.
once a day you go to Jubilife t.v station and get a lottery ticket, first prize is a masterball!
You probally want to use it on mewtwo because it is level 70
yes garatina
You can use a masterball or you can just catch them the normal way
You Cant sorry
Cyrus will give it to you after you defeat him.
Cyrus will give it to you after you defeat him.
Sorry but there is only one master ball.I suggest you use it on Articuno.
Have it traded from another game.. that's about it
Here's a correct answer: I don't know!
if you have masterball use it but if you dont have try to catch it at night and use dusk ball
either from Cyrus or by matching all numbers in the Pokemon lotto
You use a masterball.
when you free the 3 legendarys and beat the boss hope this helped