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Well you would think on Dialga but no, you should use it on Mespirit because when you try to catch Mespirit it keeps running away from you so you mite as well get it on your first try.

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Q: What should you use your masterball on in Pokemon Diamond?
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How do you catch any Pokemon even legen daries in Pokemon diamond?

You can use a masterball or you can just catch them the normal way

What do you use the masterball on in Pokemon diamond?

well you can use it on anyone you want just not a trainer i would suggest giratina

Is there a second masterball in Pokemon diamond?

Sorry but there is only one master ball.I suggest you use it on Articuno.

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on any legendary(just that it should be a strong or rare legendary)

What poke balls work more to get beldum in Pokemon diamond?

if you have masterball use it but if you dont have try to catch it at night and use dusk ball

In diamond what pokeball do you use to capture garatina?

You use a masterball.

What should you use your masterball on in Pokemon ruby?

on the legendary Pokemon that you encounter on the game thx for reading x --:)--x

What Pokemon is the masterball used for in LeafGreen?

It isn't meant for any one pokemon. Most people use it on Mewtwo, which you probably should use it on. You can catch the legendary birds and Mewtwo without a Masterball but it can take a long time.

Pokemon Emerald masterball cheat?

if u use any masterball cheat u get bad egg in Pokemon PC

How do you catch trainers Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond or pearl?

If you really want to, use your masterball because it never fails. Masterball fails on other peoples Pokemon. I learnt from my mistakes... you cant catch trainers Pokemon it wont work with any type of poke ball(it would've been cool if you can catch trainers Pokemon though=)

On Pokemon diamond how do you catch mespirit?

well the easiest way is to use the masterball Cyrus gives you and catch dialga palkia and girantina with ultra balls

How do you get 999x master balls on diamond without action replay?

first of all, you need a ditto, but the thing is that you should have caught the sons of arceus (dialga or palkia) without a masterball. now give the ditto your masterball to hold. get a Pokemon with the TM thief with it. make ditto and the Pokemon with thief the first two Pokemon. get into a double battle. make the ditto toss the masterball and then make the other Pokemon use thief on the Pokemon which ditto gave the ball to. kill the other Pokemon for fun and then open your bagpack. look in the ball section and you will find 999x masterballs!!!!!!!!!!!!by pocamastercan u use this for other pocaballs to ;)