

Best Answer

this answer is for Xbox 360

turn your xbox 360 on

hold down the sync button on your xbox 360

hold down th sync button of the guitar AT THE SAME TIME AS HOLDING DOWN THE SYNC BUTTON ON YOUR XBOX 360

when both the lights on your xbox 360 and your guitar are flashing, then release BOTH buttons.

the guitar and console should now be synced up with each other.

hope this helps ;P

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Q: How do you connect your guitar for Guitar Hero?
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There's no way to fix the receiver for your guitar but you can try to connect your guitar to the console by plugging the receiver into the port and then turning on the console. The guitar and receiver should connect on their own.

How do you use guitar hero world tour guitar controller on playstation 2?

First turn the guitar on and then connect it to the wireless receiver

How do you connect Guitar Hero 3 guitar to rock band?

That is impossible in the PS3 version. For the Xbox 360 you merely turn on the guitar.

How do you connect a Guitar Hero 3 wireless guitar to the reciver ps2?

You just plug in the receiver in Port 1. Then you turn on your PS2 and the Guitar and it's receiver will connect by them self..

Can you use PS2 guitar that came with Guitar Hero with Guitar Hero 3 game?

You can use any guitar hero guitar with any guitar hero.