Assessments contains five letter "s". I can't think of another example.
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary does not include any two letter words that contain the letter V.
There are no words that begin with the letters QE. There are no words that contain the letter combination "QET." There are many words that include the letters Q, E ant T such as quiet, quote, antique and equator.
blank tiles that do not contain a letter
Pygmy or gypsy
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary does not include any two letter words that contain the letter V.
There are no words in the English language that begin with the letter w and contain the letters qu.
There are no words in th English language that contain three consecutive Es. There are no words in the English language that contain a triple grouping of any letter.
There are no words that begin with the letters QE. There are no words that contain the letter combination "QET." There are many words that include the letters Q, E ant T such as quiet, quote, antique and equator.
Yes trapezoid
Q is a letter "imported" in the Romanian language; only some very rare neologisms contain q; and any true Romanian word begin with q.
blank tiles that do not contain a letter
Pygmy or gypsy
Certainly! By, as, at, on, in, be, an, if, or, is, ax, me, we, up, it, to are some 2-letter words.