There are no words in th English language that contain three consecutive Es. There are no words in the English language that contain a triple grouping of any letter.
There are many words that have 3 consecutive letters in them. define erstwhile stump
in unbroken or logical sequence. 2 and 3 are consecutive integers. 6 and 8 are consecutive even numbers.
The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.
This question has no answer in english. however in french there is a word when put in feminin form has three consecutive e's in a row which is "creee" which means "to create". The word has two accents in the first two e's. .
the musical instrument saxophone
Yes. F ea rlessness has one dipthong: consecutive vowels (e and a)