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go to Pokemon and if you have fly fly to three island even know youar already there and then go down there will be a port. but if you don't have fly then go back to where you started. and if that don't wok let all your Pokemon faint and it will take you back to the start

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Q: Pokemon firered how can get off the three island?
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You start off with Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. You start off with Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.

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You cant...You must get it off of Gale of Darkness

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well first you cant so you have to trade on off Pokemon firered of leafgreen.

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You give your meteorite yo some guy in a house on island two. First off, he will give you a quest to do something, and then once you are done, go to him again and he will accept the meteorite.

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you can't get it on Pokemon Fire Red, you have to Trade it off Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald im afraid

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first off beat blain and when you do go out side bill will ask you if you want to go to one island with him then he takes you to the Pokemon center and talks with his friend after that he gives you the tri pass use it to go to 3 island and go up to the mountain he will be at the top of mount ember

Can you shop Pokemon's Pokemon FireRed?

Yes but it's only while supplies lasts. It's easier to buy it off of eBay

How do you get off the port in three island?

Welcome to NoOne cares for freaking Pokemon school. Please Don't Fart In A Diaper. X)

How do you get gsc Pokemon in emerald?

You can get Gold, Silver and Crystal Pokemon by trading them with either FireRed or LeafGreen, then trade those Pokemon in FireRed and LeafGreen with your Emerald. Or after you've defeated the League go to the Safari Zone and the area that was blocked off, can now be explored, it has Johto Pokemon to a certain extent.