In Pokemon Platinum, the player can reach Route 228 by heading through Route 226 to come out on the north end of Route 228.
go through route 42
there is no Pokemon mansion on route 214, but there is a Pokemon mansion on route 212. Right after you enter hearthome through the building right after you get through mt. coronet, if you go into the one that is going south, you will have to keep on walking until you get to the end & then you will have to make a left & go north & you will see it. by, javahut please DON'T rate!!
You have to go through route 210,then Solaceon city.
To get Natu you have to pass through the door in the right in the mansion in route 212.
Go through Mt. Zhery to Route 412
In Pokemon Platinum, the player can reach Route 228 by heading through Route 226 to come out on the north end of Route 228.
these Pokemon among many only appear on one random day watch the tv show 'sinnoh now' and keep watching and then it may say that there have been hoards of beldum spotted on route 228 but it isn't like this every day it may say route 206 --- larvitar or route 201 doduo possibly go to dawns house and talk to the little sister and she will tell you what it said you need the national pokedex for this though hope i helped and good luck:)
Get the secret potion from Cynthia
you have to beat the elite 4
go through route 42
Under Eterna City, its like a gate thingy then you go through it and then theres the Route,
Surf left from Route 1 near Nuvema Town, go through Route 17 and you will find Route 18.
you have to get over 7000 steps on your pokewalker in the yellow forest route
its really easy first, you go through route 129 and u go through route 130 and 131 and ur there
You get there through surfing from Route 1, I think. Hope this helps!
After you beat the gym leaders in striaton city