Go get a esrly pregnany test. They sell them a Wal-Mart and you can take it 5 days before your next period. It is always best to wait until your period is due and test if your period does not arrive. But you can test 3 weeks after sex. Any earlier than this and the test will most likely be incorrect.
It takes fourteen days (two weeks) to determine if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test.
Wait two weeks after unprotected sex before taking a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy can be detected with at-home tests as many as 6 days before you next menstrual cycle.
8-10 days after ovulation
The standard time frame for taking a pregnancy test is the 1st day after your missed period. Many home tests these days (like the clearblue easy) can detect the levels of hormones that indicate pregnancy 4 days before your period is due. If you are sure about your cycle length and are positive that you are 4 days late, then yes a pregnancy test can easily detect the pregnancy hormones.
You can begin to get positive results from a home pregnancy test at a minimum of 2 weeks after conception.
Most women can get a clearly positive home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after ovulation.
There are some early pregnancy tests on the market that can show results up to a week before your next period is due, but I think that the most reliable is to wait until your period is actually late, even by a few days, before you take a home test.
You can but it may show negative since your hcg levels will not be high enough in your urine to trigger a positive. If you get a beta hcg drawn, then you can tell before 14 days post ovulation.
You should be able to tell from a home pregnancy test when you are fourteen days (two weeks) pregnant.
About two weeks after conception usually will show on most home tests. Most home pregnancy kits work as soon as your first missed period, some claim to work three or five days before your expected period.
after your missed period you can take it at any time. you can take it up to 4 days before even.