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There are some early pregnancy tests on the market that can show results up to a week before your next period is due, but I think that the most reliable is to wait until your period is actually late, even by a few days, before you take a home test.

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Q: How many weeks along should you be before a pregnancy test shows up positive?
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How far along do you have to be for a home and blood pregnancy test to be positive?

store bought pregnancy tests say they show results about 4-5 days before a missed period.

Can you be to far along for a pregnancy test to come up positive?


What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.

Can you get negative Test and have pregnancy symptoms?

im only 5 weeks pregnant and I had pregnancy symptoms before i was even far along enough to get a positive pregnancy test such as minor heartburns, horrible breast pain and nipples sore and itchy. And minor stomach cramps and nausea.

How far along are most people when they get a positive result on a pregnancy test?

Far too long

After pregnancy test is positive can you abort the child?

A doctor have to determine how far along you are and what method to use but yes you can.

How far along do you have to be before you have pregnancy cramping?

I got pregnancy cramping in my second week but every one is different.

Has anyone had a neg blood test and then two weeks later had several positive hpt's?

It is possible that the pregnancy was not far enough along when the blood test was performed. You should have a repeat blood test done to confirm what the home pregnancy tests are indicating.

How do you know how far gone you are in your pregnancy?

they count the two weeks before you concieved when calculating how far along you are, so really it should be from the first day of your last period to now, that will tell you how far along you are! :)

You took 3 pregnancy test they came up positive but did ultra sound and seen nothing?

it depends on how far along you are supposed to be. How far along are you supposed to be??

If you got pregnant and did not know and took while pregnant will the pregnancy test be negative or positive?

Even if you didn't know you were pregnant but you were at least two weeks along, your pregnancy test will show up positive. But if you were less than two weeks along it will come out negative even if you do end up pregnant.

You can not remember when your last period was You have a positive pregnancy test How far along are you Would symptoms give you an idea?

about a few months