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Even if you didn't know you were pregnant but you were at least two weeks along, your pregnancy test will show up positive. But if you were less than two weeks along it will come out negative even if you do end up pregnant.

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Q: If you got pregnant and did not know and took while pregnant will the pregnancy test be negative or positive?
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What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.

Can you take a pregnancy test while menstruating?

Yes you can do a pregnancy test while in your periods. But there's no need to do it because you are 100% negative. Having monthly periods means that you are not pregnant.

Can you be pregnant period two weeks ago positive pregnancy test?

YES YOU CAN!!!!! You can actually get pregnant while you have your period - unlikely, but possible.

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If you are a blood donor your blood can be given to anyone. Everyone who is O negative is OO negative, by father, husband and both my sons are all O negative. If you are a rhesus negative woman married to a rhesus positive man you may need to have Anti-D while pregnant and after delivery to prevent your blood becoming sensitised and affecting a Rhesus positive baby More elaborate answer on pregnancy in rhesus negative women: If you are a rhesus negative woman pregnant by a rhesus positive partner you WILL (typically only after the first pregnancy, but, it's suggested with any pregnancy of a Rh- woman) need a RhoGAM (Anti-D) injection in early pregnancy to protect the embryo from being miscarried from an attack by your immune system and again during or immediately after delivery to stop the fetal blood (which most likely will be positive) from mixing with your blood preventing your death. Negative can successfully mix with positive, but, positive will kill a negative.

Can you take a pregnancy test while on your period and it still be right?

Yes, it will be negative because if you are having a period you are not pregnant.

Should you insert a new ring if you think you might be pregnant?

If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If it's negative, consider inserting a new ring and retest in two weeks. If the next test is positive, remove the ring. There is no harm done if you've pregnant and used the ring, but the risk of pregnancy while waiting to see if you're pregnant is a crazy thing to accept.

If its been a week after a miscarriage and you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive are you be pregnant?

Not necessarily. The hormones that make a pregnancy test read positive stay in your body for a little while after a miscarriage.

What does one thick line means while pregnancy test?

It means your not pregnant don't you need to lines to be concidered pregnant

If you have morning sickness breast tenderness stomach problems heartburn food cravings and other symptoms can you be pregnant even though 4 pregnancy tests have been negative?

Yes you can still be pregnant, my friend took 3 pregnancy tests and they all showed up negative. It was because she didn't have enough hCG in her urine to get a positive result. On the fourth test, it came out positive, but she also had a gut feeling she was pregnant. It all depends on how well your body can adjust to a new life beginning inside of you and yes you can still be pregnant, wait a while and test again.

Should you take a pregnancy test while using the Mirena?

Take a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy. If it's positive, see your health care provider to have the IUD removed. You can have another inserted as soon as the pregnancy ends. If the test is negative, you're all set.

Is a negative divided by a negative the same as a positive times a positive?

Well a negative times a negative equals a positive while as a positive times a positive equals a positive.

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.