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Not necessarily. The hormones that make a pregnancy test read positive stay in your body for a little while after a miscarriage.

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Q: If its been a week after a miscarriage and you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive are you be pregnant?
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Is clotting sign of pregnancy I am on birth control and I usually start tomorrow May 27 but today I went to the bathroom and found a blood clot like discharge. Is that a sign of pregnancy?

Generally clotting is not a sign of pregnancy. If you already knew you were pregnant, it could be a sign of miscarriage. You might be able to take an at home pregnancy test to find out whether you are pregnant or not. If it comes out positive, check with a doctor to test HCG levels. If you were pregnant it might be a miscarriage and if it's a miscarriage you'd want a doctor involved in case of any complications.

How do you know if your mum is pregnant?

When there is no menstruation,pregnancy test comes out positive,baby in the ultrasound and heartbeat of the baby.

How accurate are ClearBlue pregnancy tests?

The ClearBlue pregnancy tests are 95% of the time accurate. If it comes back positive, then you are definitely pregnant, however if it comes back negative you may still be pregnant, so you may have to take it again in a few days.

How long after you miscarriage can you try again on another baby?

If your miscarriage took place in last stages of pregnancy, or if in your miscarriage any kind of surgery was done, you should wait more than six months to try again so that your body comes back to normal position and you also mentally prepare yourself to try for another baby. But if miscarriage occurs in early stages of pregnancy, like within three months, and your bleeding stopped within 10 or some more days, then you can try immediately after miscarriage and there is no need to wait long. Recent studies show that if a woman get pregnant again after a miscarriage within six months, her chances of a healthy pregnancy are far more than those who get pregnant after six months. However you should wait for a normal period after miscarriage and when a normal period comes, you can try to get pregnant again after this period. This is because if you get pregnant immediately after miscarriage and do not wait for a normal period, you will have no exact date of start of your pregnancy as well as LMP. So it is advised to wait for a normal period. My advise is also that you try again after a normal period after the miscarriage, and try immediately after that period and do not wait any more. There is no need at all to wait for more than one normal period. Hope this is the answer to your question.

If you have had three faintly positive pregnancy tests and your period is three days late are you pregnant?

You could be pregnant. Consider waiting another 4-5 days to see if your period comes. If it does not, see your doctor for a Urinary Pregnancy Test for verification. Your doctor will advise you with pre-natal care.

What does it mean when your pregnancy test comes up right away positive?

If you have had unprotected sex recently then the missed period and the positive pregnancy test means that it is very highly likely that you are in fact pregnant.The next thing you should do is to go to your doctor they will do another pregnancy test etc and that way it will be confirmed. Don't back out because if you are pregnant (and the betting is you are) you are going to need to see a doc anyway.

How can you tell if you had a miscarriage and not know you were about 3 weeks pregnant?

You know that you've had a miscarriage when you're screaming in pain and a dead bloody fetus comes out of your vagina. And you can be three months pregnant and not realize it without a test depending on your body weight

If you missed your period for 2 months then came on bleeding heavy are you pregnant?

I would go and get a home pregnancy test, take it, If it comes back positive, obviously youre pregnant.f it comes back negative, go to a doctor ASAP.

How many periods do you miss to find out your pregnant?

A missed period, or amenorrhea, is a very poor indicator of pregnancy. A missed period may be simply due to stress, or a sudden change in life style. If you think that you may be pregnant the best thing to do is to either take a home pregnancy test, or consult your physician. But please remember that a positive pregnancy is only considered a probable sign of pregnancy. The only positive signs of pregnancy are audible fetal heartbeats, fetal movement felt by an examiner, and ultrasound visualization of a fetus. So if your test comes back positive you may not actually be pregnant, and the same logic is true of a negative pregnancy test.This link may be helpful to you.

Haven't had a period since August 15th took four pregnancy test two positive and two negative can i still be pregnant?

yes of course. you probably most likely are pregnant than not.. its very rare for a pregnancy test to come back positive when its ment to be negative. However, if a negative comes back this happens a lot due to not enough hcg in your wee. Go to the doctors

Has anyone gotten pregnant from Mirena birth control how did thy know?

No birth control method, save abstinence, is 100% effective. If, after a light or missed period, you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive, you're probably pregnant.

When i tested positive on a pregnancy test i wondered if it could be a false positive from the medicine i recently took called metronidazole. is that possible?

No, the positive result comes from a particular hormone that is only present when pregnant. It is nearly impossible to get a false positive. However you should stop taking the metronidazole until you see a doctor.