A doctor have to determine how far along you are and what method to use but yes you can.
it depends on how far along you are supposed to be. How far along are you supposed to be??
Even if you didn't know you were pregnant but you were at least two weeks along, your pregnancy test will show up positive. But if you were less than two weeks along it will come out negative even if you do end up pregnant.
about a few months
store bought pregnancy tests say they show results about 4-5 days before a missed period.
I had an ectopic (tubular) pregnancy, and my home pregnancy test was positive by 5 weeks. I would go to your obgyn and get a blood test. They can check hormone levels to see if you are pregnant, how far along you may be, and if they feel it may be ectopic. Good Luck!
Retake a pregnancy test two to three weeks after when you were supposed to begin your period. Levels of HCG, if present, should be high enough to be read by over-the-counter pregnancy tests available at your local pharmacy or drugstore. If you get a negative or positive result, schedule an appointment with your physician to either obtain a more reliable test or guidance/advice for a positive result. If you have spotting and cramping just a few weeks after a missed period, I would say this indicates something other than pregnancy, because "morning sickness" doesn't develop until about 4-5 weeks into a pregnancy on average. Either way, take another pregnancy test and see your doctor, regardless of the result.
There are two different ways that are used in determining how many weeks along a women is actually pregnant. One way is to start counting the weeks from the first day of her last period. Another way is to start counting from the day that sexual intercourse happened that resulted in the pregnancy. Most Doctors use the first way I described to measure how far along the women is pregnant. Assuming that the women is usually regular with her periods, you should be able to get a positive test result at 3 1/2 to 4 weeks along.
Do a google search for due date caculators they can also give you information on each stage of pregnancy
The only way to determine if youare pregnant, and how far along you- are is to have a blood test, or to have an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.
A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.