14 days after conception a woman can determine pregnancy with a pregnancy test.
2 days
A woman can get pregnant at any time but the best time is about 12 days after menstruation has finished up until it starts again
u don't get your next period if ur pregnant
about 30 to 40 days after
as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg
PEOPLE don't know this but about 65 days that there pregnet
The deliver of a baby varies from woman to woman.
In general, there are 5 to 6 fertile days every month (the day of ovulation and the 5 to 6 days before ovulation). So there are 60 to 72 days a year that a woman has a chance of becoming pregnant.
usually from 4-6 months
It takes fourteen days (two weeks) to determine if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test.
You can take the test 2 weeks after sex.