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8-10 days after ovulation

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Q: How many weeks before you can use pregnancy test?
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How many days to it take to get a pregnancy test?

Wait two weeks after unprotected sex before taking a pregnancy test.

How many weeks does it take after conception to test positive on a blood pregnancy test?

4 weeks

How many weeks pregnant do you have to be to get a positive pregnancy test?

One to two weeks.

How many weeks after miscarriage can you still get a positive pregnancy test and bleed for?

Some say 5-6wks, but it is safe to wait 60 days before you take a pregnancy test and expect accuracy.

How long did you have to wait to get a pregnancy test?

Some it takes 2 weeks before u can, but they have early pregnancy test which i think u have to wait 6 days before taking

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 weeks before your period if you think your pregnant?

Yes you can.

How many days does it take to show a pregnancy on a pregnancy test?

2 weeks after sex the earliest.

How do you determine if you are pregnant even-though before menstruation?

You can take a pregnancy test from two weeks after you have sex. Other than a pregnancy test or missed menstruation it can be months before seeing symptoms.

How many days does it take before you know your pregnant?

It takes fourteen days (two weeks) to determine if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test.

Is it possible for a home pregnancy test to detect pregnancy before a blood pregnancy test?

no a blood pregnancy test can scan for lower levels of pregnancy hormones then a pregnancy test. a blood test can usually be taken after two weeks ovulatsion. depending on when you ovulated if you know i surgest if you wish to find out if your pregnant before your missed period that you use a pregnancy test whitch can detect the pregnancy hormones 6 days early. it will be best for you to take this test with the first pee in the morning.

How many days do you need to take a pregnancy test?

At least 3 weeks

How many days after your suppose to get your period take a pregnancy test?

3 weeks