after your missed period you can take it at any time. you can take it up to 4 days before even.
A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.
pregnancy tests will only detectafter 5 days of your missed period
Pregnancy can be determined by todays over the counter tests as early as 3-5 days after fetilization, which is roughly the same time as ovulation (egg release). Therefore, its a question of when the person ovulated, and not when the missed period is. Home pregnancy tests can be positive even before a missed period.
All home pregnancy tests*
Home pregnancy tests are designed to be used AFTER your missed period. Using it 2 weeks before a missed period could skew the results.
You can take a pregnancy test when you are 2 days late. The tests now will show you are pregnant even before you have missed a period.
Most pregnancy tests are accurate day one of your missed period, if your test is negative retake it in 3 to 7 days.
yes. i got a positive test the day my period was due, however it was faint. some tests can show a positive result as early as 5 days before your missed period.
No. Go to your doctor and find out what you want to do.
No. Most pregnancy tests are much more reliable once the period has been missed.
Usually a pregnancy test will pick up the pregnancy hormone by the first or second day of your missed period if you are pregnant, but many tests suggest that you wait a week after you miss your period.
Going by your age it is possible that you are starting the menopause and that your missed period is just the start of the irregularity of the menstrual cycle that is a symptom of menopause but you will need to see your doc, he/she should run a few tests for you and that will tell you what is going on.