Most women can get a clearly positive home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after ovulation.
2 days
about 30 to 40 days after
PEOPLE don't know this but about 65 days that there pregnet
usually from 4-6 months
It takes fourteen days (two weeks) to determine if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test.
A woman can get pregnant at any time but the best time is about 12 days after menstruation has finished up until it starts again
*In the wii game Harvest Moon Magical Melody how many days until the father knows she the wife is pregnant?* You will go through a cutscene.
You can take the test 2 weeks after sex.
14 days after conception a woman can determine pregnancy with a pregnancy test.
Once you become pregnant your periods will stop until after you have given birth.
You know that you might be pregnant after you have had sex at a fertile time. The start of pregnancy is two or three days after the sex, and nothing indicates that you are definitely pregnant for many days after that.