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It depends on your weight and your height. Chek a height and weight chart.

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Q: How many calories should a 15 year old girl burn per day?
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How many calories should a 14 year old girl burn a day?

It depends on how many calories they consume; if you are of a slighter build and eat less calories, you need to burn less.

How many calories should i burn a day Say if my calorie intake is 1 200 how many should I burn I am a 18 year old girl and weigh 9st 3lb and am 5 1 tall?

You should lose about 50 calories in a day if your calorie intake is 1200.

How many caloies do you burn from girl push ups?

What is a "Girl Push-Up"? And if it's the ones from the knees probably not much because you have to actually WORK out to burn calories, it will burn some but if you don't feel the burn the burn ain't burnin like it should burn.

How many of your calories that you take in should you burn?

at-least 100-150 calories.

How many calories should you eat before working out?

You should eat about half of what you burn during that workout. If you burn 1,000 calories, you should have consumed about 400-500 calories to last long enough to burn twice that amount.

How many calories should a 15 year old girl get a day?

She should get about 1,500 calories if she is not very active and if she is active she could probably stand to take in 3,000-3,500 calories (for athletes like gymnasts,running track--wouldn't suggest this many calories for a cheerleader you probably would be looking for somewhere around 2,000 calories in that instance)The amount of calories a 15 yer old should burn a day will depend on her height and weight. A girl of 15 needs to walk 3-4 miles per day to burn calories.

How many calories should you burn in a day?

200 Calories if you do 1 hr exercise

How many calories will 45 mins of parkour burn?

depending on your weight you will burn more or less calories, but a male weighing about 150pounds should burn around 600-800 calories.

How many calories should you burn to lose weight?

It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound

How many more calories should you burn than eat to lose weight?

3,500 calories.

How many calories should a 22year old height 5 ft girl take to reduce weight?

You need to burn more calories throughout the day than you end up intaking.

How many calories will a 12 year old girl burn running a mile?

about 200-300 calories.. .it depends on how hard you run