The move headbutt is deep in the ilex forest at azalea town one guy standing next to a small tree he will give it to u
Headbutt dosn't come in a TM. You can teach a pokemon Headbutt by talking to a guy in a pink shirt in the Illex Forest. You can Headbutt trees (Like an HM) to find certain PoKeMoN.(It vairies where you Headbutt.)
u cant it not tm :(
You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill
Headbutt dosn't come in a TM. You can teach a pokemon Headbutt by talking to a guy in a pink shirt in the Illex Forest. You can Headbutt trees (Like an HM) to find certain PoKeMoN.(It vairies where you Headbutt.)
u cant it not tm :(
You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
Zen-Headbutt is not a TM, but its is a move that some Pokemon learn naturally. This move can also be trained by a move trainer for heart scales to your Pokemon.
AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill
Zen Headbutt is not a TM. It can be learned by leveling up, breeding, or by the Move Tutor.
it call headbutt and there is movetutor in ilex forest that teach it to you
I think it is the same as Pokemon diamond and pearl you use headbutt on a certain tree and a Pokemon could fall out of a tree
the tm 8 is the move Headbutt it is a normal type move.
Let a Pokemon learn 'Headbutt' TM, and go up to different trees and Headbutt them. Pokemon will appear, but you will want a 'Pineco'. They evolve into a Fortress.
headbutt tree