headbutt tree
In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.
You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
The move headbutt is deep in the ilex forest at azalea town one guy standing next to a small tree he will give it to u
in Pokemon crystal the best Pokemon to have are feraligator(evolved form of totodile), weepinbell, kadabra, ledian (i would advise you to this Pokemon ice punch and headbutt), and pidgeot. these are the Pokemon i beat the elite four with
headbutt tree
In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.
they are rare in headbutt trees
In Ilex Forest. I can't remember where...
using headbutt.
you need headbutt from the guy in azalea forest the headbutt the little trees till you find one HINT certin trees have diffrent Pokemon
You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
By using Headbutt on a Tree.
The move headbutt is deep in the ilex forest at azalea town one guy standing next to a small tree he will give it to u
in Pokemon crystal the best Pokemon to have are feraligator(evolved form of totodile), weepinbell, kadabra, ledian (i would advise you to this Pokemon ice punch and headbutt), and pidgeot. these are the Pokemon i beat the elite four with
Yes, Pokémon in Crystal can learn Headbutt through level up and they are Slowpoke as well as its evolution of Slowbro, Hypno and its pre-evolution of Drowzee, Cubone and its evoluton of Marowak, Snorlax and Slowking.
Note: You need Headbutt.New Bark Town Headbutt Trees.CherryGrove City Headbutt Trees.search him on your pokedex and it will be red instead of green that means you need to headbutt a tree using headbutt.