Yes, Pokémon in Crystal can learn Headbutt through level up and they are Slowpoke as well as its evolution of Slowbro, Hypno and its pre-evolution of Drowzee, Cubone and its evoluton of Marowak, Snorlax and Slowking.
AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.
headbutt tree
Any Pokemon can learn it. that's the best patr
In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.
AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.
headbutt tree
Slowbro can use Zen Headbutt.
Sorry, Weedle cannot learn Headbutt at all.
Many Pokemon can at the beginning if you choose totodile it can learn headbutt.
Headbutt is taught to your Pokemon by a person in the Ilex Forest in Johto.
Any Pokemon can learn it. that's the best patr
In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.
You go back to Ilex Forest and go to the dude that teaches Headbutt and make one of your Pokemon learn it again.
they are rare in headbutt trees
In Ilex Forest. I can't remember where...