You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
headbutt????????????? )-:)
teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees
you'll get a cranidos in the under ground in Pokemon platinum. just keep on levelling it up till it learns headbutt.
headbutt trees
headbutt trees
The Only way I know is to get Headbutt in SoulSilver (Its a HM) and then trade and use Headbutt on the tree and a Pokemon will fall down Hope I helped :3
headbutt????????????? )-:)
teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees
you'll get a cranidos in the under ground in Pokemon platinum. just keep on levelling it up till it learns headbutt.
using headbutt.
headbutt trees
headbutt trees
You have to go to Mount Silver and headbutt the trees on the left of the Pokemon center. P.S. you may also run into a herecross too if you headbutt trees.Aipoms are uncommon and can be found by headbutting treesFirst, this is under relationships, and Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Aipom is found uncommonly when you headbutt trees, there is a specific one, but I'll change my answer to be more specific when you change your question.
u cant it not tm :(
Headbutt dosn't come in a TM. You can teach a pokemon Headbutt by talking to a guy in a pink shirt in the Illex Forest. You can Headbutt trees (Like an HM) to find certain PoKeMoN.(It vairies where you Headbutt.)
You teach a Pokemon headbutt, then go up to one of the large, triangle trees and press A.
use headbutt on trees