

Best Answer

well you have to go to the survival area and into the bar

where you can find gym leaders to battle

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Q: Where is bucks grandfather in Pokemon platinum?
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How much will you get for Pokemon platinum?

About 30-20 Bucks.

Where is bucks grandfather?

he is in survival area in a house next to the Pokemon center

How much do Pokemon platinum cost with tax?

About 37 bucks.

Pokemon Platinum what are bucks Pokemon?

in the battlegruond buck has Shuckle Umbreon Dusknoir Torkoal Claydol

What is bucks Pokemon deck on Pokemon Diamond?

He just has a Claydol but on Pokemon Platinum he has a full team and you can battle him in the battleground

How do you get to Cyrus's Grandfather's house on route 228 in Pokemon Platinum?

beside the ribbon house

How much will gamestop give you for Pokemon platinum?

Roughly 20-30 bucks, but it all depends on the quality of the game.

How much is Pokemon platinum cards worth?

15/20 bucks. I'vs sold a couple, so I should know.

How do you take rental Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no rental Pokemon in in Pokemon platinum

How do you move Pokemon from Pokemon Ranger to Pokemon Platinum?

You cant get Pokemon from Pokemon ranger to platinum!

How do you get a togepi in Pokemon Platinum?

how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum