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If you use medicine it will level it up like calcium or what you want. you can also catch legendary Pokemon and they have very high defense and hp.

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Q: What is a good Pokemon with high special defense and hp?
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Kingler. A very good pokemon from my opinion, it has very high attack and nice defense :)

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You have a good team. Of course you need a water-type to complete it. From the Sinnoh pokemons, I'd choose Floatzel, if you want to "hit hard and fast". It has a high Attack, Special Attack and Speed stat. Then, give it many vitamins (Iron and Zinc) to raise its Defense and Special Defense stat. And train, train, train. Your Floatzel will get really powerful :)

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There are propably a lot of different answers, but i prefer Golem. It does lack in the speed & special stats, but it has powerfull attacks along with high defense. Its a rock / ground type.