Minun, the electric type Pokemon, is a good Pokemon. Minun can learn many electric type moves and has high special attack.
no it is not
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
A good Pokemon for a 3rd is Metagross or Gastly,Shuppet and Duskull or a Minun, Plusle or a Elekid
minun doesn't evolve...........
Minun is an Electric type pokemon.
If you are breeding Plusle and Minun, a female Plusle with a male Minun will produce a Plusle and a female Minun with a male Plusle will produce a Minun. Every female Pokemon will produce her species.
Assuming you're talking about breeding, what Pokemon you get depends on the genders. If you have a female Plusle and a male Minun, you get a Plusle, while a female Minun and male Plusle gives you a Minun.
Minun does not evolve.
it will be a minun :3
A good elecric Pokemon is Sapphire is Manectric. A good combo is Plusle and Minun. Actually, the best is your personal favorite.
Minun can be found in Artisan Cave.
no it is not
Minun can be caught in Pokemon Omega Ruby by seeking out these powerful Pokemon and then unlocking their incredible potential.
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
Catching Minun is relatively easy though finding it might take a bit of time. Minun can be found in the Trophy Garden of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It also appears as a swarm on Route 6 on Pokemon White. And finally Minun appears on Route 5 of Pokemon X and Y.