Assuming you're talking about breeding, what Pokemon you get depends on the genders. If you have a female Plusle and a male Minun, you get a Plusle, while a female Minun and male Plusle gives you a Minun.
Pokemon DP 162
Plusle has higher sp attack while minun has higher sp defense. It's now up to your opinion
No,they don't.
When You start the game, Plusle or Minun will appear depending on which gender You choose. If You choose male, You get Minun. If You choose female, You get Plusle. The Pokémon You did not get as a partner will be registered in Your Browser, when You beat the game.
Since plusle and minun are Hoenn Pokemon you have to wait till Wednesdays and go to the Pokemon March station,turn on the Hoenn sound show, and go to routes 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, and the National Park
If you are breeding Plusle and Minun, a female Plusle with a male Minun will produce a Plusle and a female Minun with a male Plusle will produce a Minun. Every female Pokemon will produce her species.
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
I sorry but minum and plusle dont evovle. :(
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
No, you cannot get Plusle or Minun in Pokémon XD.
you can obtain him after getting the second pokedex or you can switch him of emerald hope i helped
Minun is a single-evolutionary form and so does not evolve.The contrast Pokemon Plusle is also single-evolutionary that has moves and abilities that compliment that of Minun's.
You mean Minun And Plusle Right?ಠ_ಠThey're 3rd Generation Pokemon (Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald)
Pokemon DP 162
Plusle has higher sp attack while minun has higher sp defense. It's now up to your opinion
Trade it from a game that has a plusle or minun
you find them on a outbreak