Minun is a single-evolutionary form and so does not evolve.The contrast Pokemon Plusle is also single-evolutionary that has moves and abilities that compliment that of Minun's.
I sorry but minum and plusle dont evovle. :(
Aipom does not evolve in emerald
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
At level 35 it will evolve
Sableye does not evolve.
Minun does not evolve!
I sorry but minum and plusle dont evovle. :(
pulse does not evolve on any game and it does not evolve into anything. minum is pulse twin brother
Aipom does not evolve in emerald
it doesnt evolve
it doesn't evolve
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
At level 42 it will evolve into Glalie.
In Pokémon Emerald, Bulbasaur will evolve at Level 16.
get him from emerald
At level 35 it will evolve
Sableye does not evolve.