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25 is the best age and 26 is the 2nd best age

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Q: What should your wii fit age be?
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What does your Wii fit age mean?

Your Wii Fit age means you have the strength of a __ year old person.

How do you add a baby to Wii fit?

You create a Mii then import into Wii Fit. Put in the age when you bring the Mii in and there you have it a baby for the Wii Fit.

Should i use Wii fit or zumba?

Wii Fit, definitely

How do you change your BMI on Wii fit?

BMI is how fit you are. In accordance to your height and age, you should be a certain weight. You cannot really just 'change' it. The only way to change it is to start using the Wii Fit and do some workouts!

How is the Wii fit age calculated?

the game just does it

Should you buy the Wii fit or Mario kartv Wii?

It depends on your style. Wii Fit is $90, Mario Kart is $50. If you like racing games, get Mario Kart. If you're into keeping fit, get Wii Fit.

Can your Wii fit age be lower than your actual age?

Yes, most certainly!

Should you buy Wii fit or Mario kart Wii?

If you like exercising and getting fit, get wii fit. If you like action games wile racing get Mario Kart wii, but i recamend you to get Mario Kart wii it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun

Wii fit and Wii fit plus?

Wii Fit Plus has more activities than Wii Fit & is better than Wii Fit.

Does Costco sell a Wii fit?

They sell the wii fit and wii fit plus disk but nota wii fit

Which one is one out Wii Sports or Wii Fit?

Both of those games are available. Wii Sports comes with the Wii console, but Wii Fit is sold as a separate game. You should be able to find Wii Fit at your local game store, Toys R Us, or Best Buy.

Do you need Wii fit boared to play Wii fit game?

Yes, you need the wii fit balance board to play wii fit or wii fit plus.