You create a Mii then import into Wii Fit. Put in the age when you bring the Mii in and there you have it a baby for the Wii Fit.
In Wii Fit Plus, you can add your pets, such as your dog.
Yes you can! Because, if you go on Home you will eventually be able to connect the Wii Fit Board just by pressing the first button on the Wii Fit.
The Wiimote Plus attachment will not fit in the Wii Steering Wheel however the new wiimote version has the add-on built in and will fit.
Click the shadow of a person with the + sign and choose a Mii from your Mii Plaza, you could only have up to eight Mii registered on Wii Fit per Wii.
There is now the Wii Fit Plus (an addition to Wii Fit) which allows multiplayer mode.
In Wii Fit Plus, you can add your pets, such as your dog.
Yes, the Wii Fit accessories are just add-ons.
Yes you can! Because, if you go on Home you will eventually be able to connect the Wii Fit Board just by pressing the first button on the Wii Fit.
The Wiimote Plus attachment will not fit in the Wii Steering Wheel however the new wiimote version has the add-on built in and will fit.
The Wii is $250 (all prices are excluding tax), and the Wii Fit is $90, so it will cost about $340, and add whatever tax you need.
No all you have to do is make a Mii on the Mii chanel and on the Wii menu and make a person to look like your baby then go on Wii fit plus and go on Create new user and it will tell you what Mii do you want click the one that looks like your baby and then it will tell you when is your birthday and height as long as you make it so the age is below 3 years old it will turn into a baby make the height as low as you can and age younger then 3 years old and it will say Ohhhh you are a little young so (turns her/he into a baby) and there's how to get a baby on Wii fit plus Thank's
Click the shadow of a person with the + sign and choose a Mii from your Mii Plaza, you could only have up to eight Mii registered on Wii Fit per Wii.
yes dodos
Wii Fit Plus has more activities than Wii Fit & is better than Wii Fit.
They sell the wii fit and wii fit plus disk but nota wii fit
Yes, you need the wii fit balance board to play wii fit or wii fit plus.
No wii fit plus has more games.