Click on the cat/dog on the main Wii Fit Plus screen. Enter into their profile. Then go to the settings/options button and press delete.
There is now the Wii Fit Plus (an addition to Wii Fit) which allows multiplayer mode.
Wii fit plaza is the place where you choose your mii, or your person, so that you can do the wii fit test for the day.
Yes. Wii Fit is suppose to be played with a Wii - it's one of the programs for the console.
Yes, Wii Fit is extremely accurate.
Yes it is fun.
if a dog is with you press A near a flag and it will get it for you
Click on the cat/dog on the main Wii Fit Plus screen. Enter into their profile. Then go to the settings/options button and press delete.
On the Wii Fit Plus there are more games, you can have more players, and you can also make Miis for pets (cats and dogs only).
Wii Fit Plus has more activities than Wii Fit & is better than Wii Fit.
They sell the wii fit and wii fit plus disk but nota wii fit
Yes, you need the wii fit balance board to play wii fit or wii fit plus.
you can't do it
No wii fit plus has more games.
Yes. It does but doesn't make a difference so you should just use the wii remote.
Yes a Wii remote can work with Wii Fit.
The wii fit makes you fit.