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Q: Is shellos a rare Pokemon
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Related questions

At what level does shellos evolve?

At level 30. Enjoy you're gastradon! (By the way, shellos and gastradon are rare pokemon.)

Are blue shellos rare in Pokemon pearl?

No they are just in a different area than where the pink ones are.

What level does a boy shellos evolve?

A boy Shellos evolves at level 30 in the Pokemon franchise. At level 30, Shellos will appear as the Pokemon, Gastrodon.

What type of Pokemon is Shellos?

Shelgon is a Dragon type pokemon.

What route is the mass outbreak for Shellos come in Pokemon Black?

Shellos cannot be found in Pokemon Black or White. You can only obtain Shellos through PokeTransfer or the Pokemon Dream World.

When does shellos evolve on Pokemon diamond?

Shellos evolves into Gastrodon at level 30.

How do you find a Shellos on Pokemon indigo?

Shellos can be found in Celadon City where Erika is.

When do you evolve shellos on Pokemon platinum?

Shellos evolves in lvl 30 in a Gastrodon.

What Pokemon does shellos evolve into in Pokemon Platinum?


What level does shellos evovle on Pokemon diamond?

Shellos evolves into Gastrodon at level 30.

What does a Shellos evolve into Pokemon Diamond?


In Pokemon Soul Silver Where do you hatch Shellos to get a green one?

Green shellos are boy shellos go to an area where you can find shellos and wait till you find a boy shellos notice it will be green instead of pink.