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AnswerAny good moves for the Pokemon Gallade will take advantage of his high attack stat. I recommend physical attacks such as Fury Cutter or Slash. If you couple the move Swords Dance with Close Combat, you are sure to have a devestating attack which will wipe out any Pokemon. Another effective attack plan would be to use Bulk Up and Psycho Cut. This means Gallade's Defence and Attack is boosted, with a high chance of critical hits.

Gallade's physical attacks include:

Fury Cutter - Learnt at level 17

Slash - Learnt at level 22

Psycho Cut - Learnt at level 31

False Swipe - Learnt at level 45

Close Combat - Learnt at level 53 Answer Name: Gallade Item: Razor Claw/Choice Band Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 attack 252 speed 6 defense Moveset: Close Combat Psycho Cut Night Slash Stone Edge

-psycho cut

-close combat

-leaf blade

-night slash/reflect

You can give it a scope lens and night slash and three of your moves have an EVEN higher chance of being critical...


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Gallade is a Psychic and Fighting type pokemon.

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You cannot get a Gallade on Pokemon Ruby. But you may get one in Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl. - Badminton

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Gallade is both a fighting and psychic type Pokemon. Rock, ghost, dark, grass, and poison Pokemon can be weak against Gallade.

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After beating Boss Gallade you find a wild Gallade at The Oil Field Hideout

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both are good because they both have diffrent types of moves wich is useful.but i think gallade is better,cause it has more speed and sp.defense.

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