3 fighting pokemon is not the best option
better pick an electric pokemon like electivire and a Dark/Ghost pokemon like weavile to replace lucario and gallade
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Spiritomb Milotic Lucario Roserade Garchomp Gastrodon
Diamond/Pearl~-spiritomb (female lvl 61)-roserade (f 60)-lucario (m 63)-gastrodon (f 60)-garchomp (f 66)-milotic (f 63)Platinum~-spiritomb (f 58)-lucario (m 60)-garchomp (f 62)-togekiss (m 60)-milotic (f 58)-roserade (f 58)
aaahh a good question she most definetely has a spiritomb which has weaknesses in dark type,and i can beat him with move grass knot for 4 or 3 times. i beat him with my starter. her signature Pokemon is garchomp which u need a good ice Pokemon to beat i recommend jynx she also has a milotic i recommend luxray if u hav it she also has gastrodon pretty weak stay with luxray or torterra she also has a lucario now staraptor or pshycic Pokemon to finish it off theres a roserade if u hav it finish her off with in infernape or rapidash or u can stay with staraptor this is the order she used on me she may change it 4 u :spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,garchomp,lucario,roserade. and this is in order of strongest to weakest :garchomp,lucario,spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,roserade. plz give me any more pokequestions u have
garchomp, dragonite, milotic, dialga, giratina garchomp, dragonite, milotic, dialga, giratina
a staraptor,torterra,garchomp,luxray,milotic,and a floatzel