3 fighting pokemon is not the best option
better pick an electric pokemon like electivire and a Dark/Ghost pokemon like weavile to replace lucario and gallade
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Spiritomb Milotic Lucario Roserade Garchomp Gastrodon
aaahh a good question she most definetely has a spiritomb which has weaknesses in dark type,and i can beat him with move grass knot for 4 or 3 times. i beat him with my starter. her signature Pokemon is garchomp which u need a good ice Pokemon to beat i recommend jynx she also has a milotic i recommend luxray if u hav it she also has gastrodon pretty weak stay with luxray or torterra she also has a lucario now staraptor or pshycic Pokemon to finish it off theres a roserade if u hav it finish her off with in infernape or rapidash or u can stay with staraptor this is the order she used on me she may change it 4 u :spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,garchomp,lucario,roserade. and this is in order of strongest to weakest :garchomp,lucario,spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,roserade. plz give me any more pokequestions u have
Diamond/Pearl~-spiritomb (female lvl 61)-roserade (f 60)-lucario (m 63)-gastrodon (f 60)-garchomp (f 66)-milotic (f 63)Platinum~-spiritomb (f 58)-lucario (m 60)-garchomp (f 62)-togekiss (m 60)-milotic (f 58)-roserade (f 58)
garchomp, dragonite, milotic, dialga, giratina garchomp, dragonite, milotic, dialga, giratina
First is Aaron who has Yanmega lv49 , Scizor lv49 , Vespiquen lv50 , Heracross lv51 , Drapion lv53. Next is Bertha who has Whiscash lv50 , Gliscor lv53 , Golem lv52 , Rhyperior lv52 , Hippowdon lv55. Then it's Flint who has Houndoom lv52 , Flareon lv55 , Rapidash lv53 , Infernape lv55 , Magmortar lv 57. After it's Lucian who has Mr.Mime lv53 , Espeon lv55 , Bronzong lv54 , Alakazam lv56 , Gallade lv59. Last it's Cynthia who has Spiritomb lv58 , Roserade lv58 , Togekiss lv60 , Lucario lv60 , Milotic lv58 , Garchomp lv62. Then the second time you vs the elite four , Aaron will have a Yanmega lv65 , Scizor lv65 , Vespiquen lv66 , Heracross lv67 , Drapion lv69. Then Bertha will have a Whiscash lv66 , Gliscor lv69 , Golem lv68 , Rhyperior lv71 , Hippowdon lv68.Next Flint Will have a Houndoom lv68 , Flareon lv71 , Rapidash lv69, Infernape lv71 , Magmortar lv73.After Lucian will have a Mr.Mime lv69 , Espeon lv71 , Bronzonglv70 , Alakazam lv72 , Gallade lv75. And finally Cynthia who has Spiritomb lv74 , Roserade lv74 , Togekiss lv76 , Lucario lv76 , Milotic lv74 , Garchomp lv78. I recommend you train at victory road since it is the best place to train for the elite four for the first time.
diamond and pearl spirttomb garchomp roserade gastrodon milotic and lucario platinum spirttomb garchomp roserade lucario milotic and togekiss
It depends on stats.
Cynthia has a Garchomp, Spiritomb, Milotic, Lucario, Roserade, and a Togekiss. Her Pokemon are mostly around level 60-73. Thanks If That Helps!
Arron: Yanmega, heracross, drapion, vispequeen, and sizzor. Bertha: Wishcash, hipowdon, gliscor, golem, and rhypeorior. Flint: Infernape, rapidash, magmortar, flareon, and houndoom Lucian: Mr.mime, bronzong, gallade, alakazam, and espeon. Champ Cynthia: Spiritomb, Tokekiss, Garchomp, lucario, roserade, and milotic.
Cynthia has: Spiritomb Lucario Garchomp Togekiss Milotic roserade
Spiritomb Togekiss Lucario Garchomp Roserade Milotic
Spiritomb Milotic Lucario Roserade Garchomp Gastrodon
milotic, lucario, garchomp, and i dont quit know the others.
i have a level 54 Lucario, it knows dragon pulse, extremeSpeed, Aura sphere, and Drain Punch. HP 154 and attack 144. btw milotic will be hard to get:L :D
for spiritomb use garadon for garchomp use togekiss for roserade use infernape for milotic use raichu for lucario use lucario for less damage for gastrodon use giatina
You will want to have a good ice type (abomasnow works well) and u will want to have electric and fire (luxray and infernape respectively) and a psychic (alakazam) and a grass (roserade) and a bug (yanmega) Abomasnow = garchomp Luxray = togekiss Infernape = roserade Alakazam= lucario Roserade = milotic Yanmega = spiritomb
My team is: Ninetails Milotic Roserade Mismagius Gallade Altaria (I beat almost everyone) My friends team is: Torterra Empoleon Infernape Honchcrow Garchomp Luxray (His does extremely well also) Hope this helps...