

Best Answer


-spiritomb (female lvl 61)

-roserade (f 60)

-lucario (m 63)

-gastrodon (f 60)

-garchomp (f 66)

-milotic (f 63)


-spiritomb (f 58)

-lucario (m 60)

-garchomp (f 62)

-togekiss (m 60)

-milotic (f 58)

-roserade (f 58)

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Q: What are Cynthias Pokemon?
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Where do you find Cynthias granmother in Pokemon platinum?

celestic town

What level are Cynthias pokemon?

In the 60's, watch out for her Garchomp who is Level 66.

What is the highest level Pokemon that you can battle at the elite four?

lucians bronzong and cynthias garchomp

Where is fantina after you take the charm to Cynthias grandmother in Pokemon diamond?

You don't have to see her afterwards.

What do you after you give the charm to cynthias grandmother in celestic town Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?


What are Cynthias Pokemon in Pokemon black?

she has a lvl 75 spiritomb, milotic, eelektross, braviary and lucario and a lvl 77 garchomp

What Pokemon would deafeat Cynthias Pokemon and what level should your Pokemon be at?

Lv.60 or over and have 1 Lv.100. That's how i beat Cynthia.

Where is Cynthias house in Pokemon dimonand?

she does not have a house. you have to beat the elite 4 to see where she lives because she is the champ

Where do you find the hm surf on Pokemon diamond?

cynthias grand mother will give it to you after you save there village from a bomb

On Pokemon pearl what moves does Cynthias Pokemon know?

Muddy water Ice beam Aurora shpear acid embargo Sorry dude but I forgot the rest!