The five dragons and their respective owners (Signers) are:
Yusei Fudo: Stardust Dragon
Jack Atlas: Red Dragon Archfiend
Akiza Izinski: Black Rose Dragon
Luna: Ancient Fairy Dragon
Crow Hogan: Black-Winged Dragon
Leo's Life Stream Dragon later on becomes the sixth Signer dragon.
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yugioh zexal in Spring 2011
Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.
when yugioh 5ds did
oh i thought 5ds the d stand for Dragons and the s stands singner So I thought it stands for Yugioh 5 Dragons Singner
Go to to check for updates when new tuornament on yugioh 5'ds be out.
yugioh zexal in Spring 2011
Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.
when yugioh 5ds did
Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website
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