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get all bonuses for every Pokemon in absols attraction

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Q: How do you befriend shaymin in poke park?
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Where is lapras cape in poke park pikachu's adventure on wii?

After you befriend Gyrados, see Feraligatr and he'll blast the rock.

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How do you befriend Abra in poke park 2?

First, Abra needs to be on the train that you can walk on top of without jumping. (The one you can get to using the stairs.) Get a plush doll from Meowth or a treasure box, then bring it up to him. Instead of teleporting he will stay and you can talk to him. (You only have to talk to him to befriend him.)

How many players can play on poke-park?

you can only have one player on poke park

Is poke park 2 multiplayer?

Poke park 2 is multiplayer but only the attractions.

How do you befriend all the Pokemon in the beach zone on Poke park Wii?

You can be friends with a multiple of the same Pokemon if you talk and play with one for example Starly if you play with him even in the other zones you willl be friends HOPE THIS HELPS

Can you catch Pokémon on Pokémon ranger?

You can not catch Pokemon you can only befriend them to use their poke-assists and field moves once.

Where do you Dialga and Palkia in poke park?

I don't know why they aren't in it, but Dialga and Palkia are not in the Poke Park Wii game. There is a giant mountain carving of them with a waterfall in the Poke Park, but they aren't in the game. Trust me, I've searched EVERYWHERE!

Is there a poke park in Pokemon White?


How do you get Garcadia flower?

talk 2 the blond lady in front of the poke center in floweroma town(but oly after getting shaymin)

Is there a poke park 2 on wii?

Yes, it will come out 2012 july. The games is called Pokemon poke park 2 the adventure continues!

Can you get poke park 2 in English?

Yes you can.