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yes but only on the Pokemon in pal park not anywhereelse

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Q: Are the poke balls in pal park like master balls?
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Related questions

How do catch regice?

U have to use a poke ball or any types of poke balls like master balls or ultra balls. But firstvu need to find it. Then go up to him then click then battle then catch

Why cant you get the poke ball at international park?

u can only use them at the pal park like safari balls

What kinds of poke balls are there except the poke ball and master ball?

great ball

With poke ball sould I catch regirock and no master balls?

Bring a ton of Ultra Balls like 50 of them trust me do not use a master ball on him hes not all that great

What is the code So you can Get Master balls?

when you get the action replay it comes with a code called get 900 of all poke balls that includs master balls

Is there a way to make poke balls work like master balls without cheating in Diamond?

You should press A and then B in rapid secession

How do you turn poke balls into master balls?

No, this isn't a feature in the official Pokemon games.

How do you use the 999 master balls?

You tap Poke balls and it should be in there. But out of battle, it will be in your items section.

How do you get 999 master balls in poke mon dimond?

Buy them stupid

What poke balls catch cresslia besides a master ball?


What poke ball is good to catch the legendarys?

Master Balls, obviouslt

Is there a cheat to change other poke balls into master balls?

no but you can get a action replay and you will have 999 master balls but if you dont have on you can try and win the lottery in jublife tv senter