You get a male and female of one pokemon; male and female pikachu. Then put them in daycare together and walk around. That or with a ditto.
Put a male and female Pokemon( must be same Pokemon) in the day care together. Or put a ditto and the Pokemon you want to breed in the daycare.
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
you can breed axew cause you can breed any pokemon
Don´t have a mode to breed in pokemon deluge
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.
Almost about any Pokemon can be breeded with Ditto. You can breed it with Eevee, and Phione, and a lot more!
Put a male and female Pokemon( must be same Pokemon) in the day care together. Or put a ditto and the Pokemon you want to breed in the daycare.
well its your lucky day cuz i can tell you that any Pokemon you want breed it with a ditto and you will get the Pokemon you want e.g a venasaur breed with ditto you will get a egg with bulbasaur in it this works with every Pokemon exept ledgendarys from revangar
Breed MANAPHY and DITTO together
You can breed Pokemon at the day care center.You have to put two Pokemon of the opposite sex together and you will get a egg after a while.The day care center is below cerulean city.
leave two compatible pokemon in the daycare center together. after awhile they will breed an egg
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
Place a male and female of a Pokemon of the same species in the daycare together and if they like each other they will eventually have an egg and another way is to place a ditto and a Pokemon in the daycare and its the same process but you cant breed legends or Pokemon with no gender exept ditto and that's only when you breed it with a different Pokemon 2 ditto cannot breed
to get a pokemon egg you must leave two compatible pokemon in the daycare center together. after awhile they will breed an egg
Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.
Catch a pikachu two times and breed them together
If foreign Pokemon were to breed together, the everstone doesn't work right.