You simply smell your ds 5 times and go away for five minutes after that go back to your ds and he won't be there!
You have to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Zoo ds game and there will be a code in the game.
you get rainbow rox
Yes Nipper is an ultra-rare moshling. You can only get him by buying the moshling zoo ds game. It comes with a code for Nipper.
To get Burnie on the Moshi Monsters Moshing Zoo Nintendo DS game, buy silly sausages at Bizarre Bazaar, put them on the BBQ and wait for him to get the food.
by looking at the end of the volcano in taki taki island
You have to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Zoo ds game and there will be a code in the game.
You can not get Nipper the moshling unless you buy the Moshi Monsters: Moshling Zoo game for Nintendo DS and get the code.
you tell me
you have to buy the moshi monsters moshling zoo ds game
Well, that depends which Moshling Zoo you mean. The Nintendo DS game "Moshling Zoo" recently came out but if you mean online, then, the Moshling Zoo has always been there for paid members!
buy moshling zoo ds game
To get Nipper in the Moshi Monsters Moshling Zoo Nintendo DS game, you have to find his egg or find him walking around.
you get rainbow rox
There is no reusable code for the moshling zoo game on the Nintendo ds. Each code is unique so you buy the game- so if you want the code for free, you cant. but there is a way. tell moshi that you brought the game, but you didnt get the seeds. you will then get the seeds for the moshling. the moshling is tiamo.
Once you have purchased the Moshling Zoo Nintendo DS game, you will find a card inside the game. That card contains a secret code to use when you log in. The code can only be used once.
Moshlings can only get sick on the moshling zoo DS game but if you are a member on the online game then they can only get dirty and they have a gold coin above their head when you look in your zoo.