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People say it's in hot springs or parchment desert I checked both no luck ):

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Q: Where is guan fossils in fossil fighters champions?
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Where is guan in fossil fighters champions?

In Hot Spring Heights, or Dusty Dunes ( more common at Dusty Dunes)

Where you find guan on fossil fighters?

The Guan Fossil rock for all the parts- Head, Body, Arms, and Legs- is in Mt. Lavaflow.

What is a good team to beat dynal in fossil fighters and get him?

I have done everything in fossil fighters. I have all legendaries ( frigi, Igno) I also have duna, raptin, and dynal, and the 5 chickens. All my vivosaurs are to max level. The team I used to beat dynal and get him is frigi in the AZ, Guan and Orno in the SZ. The best team I have now is Igno in AZ, Guan and Dynal in SZ. Dynal is pretty good in the AZ because he has the highest attack of ANY creature or vivosaur in the game, but he does even better in the AZ. Here's why, he bring 77 DOWN on everything on your OPPONENT. Igno has the same attack as dynal, but brings you down so you have to put him in the AZ. Guan gives you 90+ power!. Igno hit a 960 on someone once!

In Fossil Fighters when you Fight Bullwort the second time what vivosaurs should you use?

You have to use Ignosaurus. I would advise using an Wind type and a water type. I personally used my Spinax and my Futabi. Once again, I have to correct people who think you can only use Igno for this battle. Ask a friend to transfer a Guan, T-Rex, and a Orno into your game via Fossil Cannon. This way T-Rex can become powered by Orno and Guan in the SZ who will double T-Rex's accuracy and attack power. T-Rex should be able to hit Frigi with an enormous amount of strength. This works as usual. -DeniedGrox

What are the idols used for in the game Fossil Fighters?

*SPOILER ALERT* it the end of the game they are a doomsday weapon 2 restart evolution when it stopped doing the preferable thing. its was set by aliens 2 have another home planed after theres was destroyed, by the very thing that they caused by turning on the main idol. in the end u have 2 kill the damb things brains when u beat the game. here r the vivisaues i used 2 beat him. Daspleteo-foun bb base. rank 7 Guan-found-mt lavaflow.rank 7(i used final move 2 tunr in2 t-rex) Compy-found dp exchange(200 dp)rank 12

Related questions

Where is guan in fossil fighters champions?

In Hot Spring Heights, or Dusty Dunes ( more common at Dusty Dunes)

Where are the of the transformation dinos in fossil fighters?

The transformation type vivosaurs in fossil fighters are: *Guan *Proto *Aoepteryx

In fossil fighters how can you find a guan body?

Its in mount lavaflow but if you want to find it faster or don't get the same fossils, upgrade your sonar to fossil chip 2. Hope this helps :D

Where is guan in fossil fighters?

you can find one in mt lavaflow

Where you find guan on fossil fighters?

The Guan Fossil rock for all the parts- Head, Body, Arms, and Legs- is in Mt. Lavaflow.

What are all the transforming vivosaurs in fossil fighters champions?

All the transforming vivosaurs on fossil fighters champions are proto turns into tricera, guan turns into trex, shanshan(,known as young turbo whatever you call him)turns into turbo or whatever you call him, and opterix I don't know how to spell it turns basically into a neutral type vivosaur because its so vulnerable like a little baby.

Where do you find the guan dino medal head on fossil fighters?

in mount lavaflow very rare

What rank does guan learn great unmasking on fossil fighters?

He doesn't learn it at a rank, he learns it when he gets all 4 fossil bones integrayed

Fossil fighters teams with t-rex with team skills?

T-Rex in the attack zone, Gorgo in the support zone, Guan in the support zone.

What are the transformation dino's in fossil fighters?

I will tell you the RARE transformation-class vivasaurs and what they turn into: *Guan=T-Rex *Aopteryx=Penta *Proto=tricera

What vivisaurs in fossil fighters transform?

Guan transforms into a giant T-rex,and tricera, a small support type, turns into a large attack class vivisaur.

How do you beat dynal 2nd time in fossil fighters?

use frigi in attack zone, and guan in support zone. then you should have enough attack to one hi KO compso