After the Dragon's Den (when not battling Lance), you can find your rival at the Pokemon League on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Yeah you do. At the dragons den you and your rival battle both Clair and Lance in a double battle.
DRagons den you going fight vs the last gym leader from hoenn and the last from the elite four ( they are hard )
you need the hm surf and Whirlpool and get into the other side of the building then after that you can get out!
Once you've met your rival at mount moon, go to the dragons den. There you will have a double battle with your rival against Lance and Clair.
if youve have battled him at dragons den. you can battle him again in indigo platou on mondays and fridays
after you tag battled with your rival against lance and clair,she appears in dragons den in the morning
Yeah you do. At the dragons den you and your rival battle both Clair and Lance in a double battle.
yes it can be caught in the dragons den. i caught one and evolved it from here.
DRagons den you going fight vs the last gym leader from hoenn and the last from the elite four ( they are hard )
You dont.
at mt.moon and dragons den but you need to kick your rivls @ss at mt.moon then hel apear at dragons den on the back of the place where you answerd the quistions then you get to team up with your rivel and vrs Clair and lance togather
Go to professer elm's after you battle him (rival). and his agent dude will talk to you about him.
The Dragons Den is behind the Blackthorn City Gym. You just surf around in the water behind it.
beat the last gym leader on soul silver in johto
its in blackthorn city behind the gym
you get clairs # in pokemon heart gold and soul silver you must first beat the tag battle* and than she will appear in the dragons den everyday from 6a.m.-10a.m. the tag battle will happen after you battle your rival in mt. moon your rival will than say something about training in the dragons den. go to the dragons den and than you will see your rival training and talk to him and after a while, clair and lance will come into the sean and than the tag battle will start.
you have to goto the dragons den after u beat Clair