He became a super sayan during his battle with Freeza, after Gohan was born and was like 8, so I'd say about mid to late twenties.
Gohan turns super saiyan in episode 145 while training with his father Goku in the hyperbolic time chamber. Goku was blasting Gohan with a Kamehameha wave and while Gohan was blocking it he transformed into a super saiyan! To add to this, Gohan thinks/remembers all the times when he let his friends down, then while blocking the attack he starts to get upset/angry with himself for letting them down, then he turns super sayan for the first time, but he can calm down so Goku tells him what to do then he is in normal form again and on his knees because he is tired from transforming. I hope it helped.
When he was in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber training to beat Cell. I think he became Super Saiyan 2 after he died to save the world from Cell. If Goku could turn Super Saiyan 2 he would have beaten Cell himself, instead of making ohan fight him.
Yes, Goku wins the battle and leaves in time but the people on earth try to wish him back to earth but he decides to train in space as a super sayan than come home with his family. But, Frieza is still alive and with his dad king Cooler to give revenge to son Goku but Goku is still not on earth yet and might come home to the horror on his friends death.
Gohan is stronger if goku is in his normal form but if they are both in super saiyan 2 form or if Goku is in super saiyan form then goku is stronger.
He doesn't hate him, but they're rivals. He gets angry at Goku because Goku is far stronger then him and he is supposed to be the Saiyan prince (the best) . Vegeta hated Goku, because the Earth raised Saiyan is stronger than him. Vegeta failed to win against or kill Goku when he first landed on Earth. He further hated Goku when he became the first Super Saiyan in thousands of years and went on to defeat Frieza. Vegeta believes that since he is the Prince of all Saiyans he should have been the first Super Saiyan and he should have been the one to kill Frieza to avenge his people. Most of all he despised Goku because he the Prince is weaker than a 3rd class Saiyan.
You have to unlock the gt saga then do the missions until you get it
yes super sayan 10 can beat the hulk because super sayan 10 is faster,stronger,have more skills hulk can only smash things super sayan 10 can also breath out in space hulk cant super sayin 10 can destroy a whole galaxy with one burst hulk cant if you dont belive me watch broly the legendary super sayan
If he can go super sayan 1, 2, and 3 of course he can do it! Besides vegeta did it, so if vegeta can do it, so can goku cause he is stronger!
There is no super saiyan 4, its only until super saiyan 3 (Broly,Vegeta,Goku and Gotenks). There are only characters of Dragon Ball Z Kai, not Dragon Ball GT.
At the moment there are 4 Super Sayan levels. Super Sayen Super Sayen Ascended (Has lightning running around their body) Super Sayan 3 (Has long gold hair) Super Sayan 4 (Fund in DragonBall GT)
When Krillin was exploded by Frieza, Goku became angry and he went Super Saiyan.
Goku and Vegeta became Super Saiyan 2 during the Cell saga, after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
goku was