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You need to build it, and this is how you do it. First, go to the carpenter on the other side of the river, give him the box that spits out steel and wood, then your sim will tell him that the gondola is gone, and he'll let you browse through the buildings he will build for you. You need to find the building that says Basic Gondola Base. In order to get the building plans, you'll need some essences from your essence gun (certain ones). After all of this, then go back across the river and talk to Dr. F. He and the carpenter will help you build the gondola. You're welcome! :)

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Q: How do you get the gondola in your sims kingdom?
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You can't make plans. You have to talk to Emily and you will get the plans. Hope that helps ya.

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you need the 4 raindrop essences and the gold planet essences

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The gondola where Amy is, but not Emily. In case you want to now, the planet essence is at the ski lift.

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In My Sims Kingdom, you kayak at the Gondola base. (You might not have reached that point of the game, give the construction builder on the retreat a visit). IF YOU WANT ME TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION EMAIL ME AT DANAGIRL444@GMAIL.COM ~SiMqUeSt~

Where is the gondola in your sims kingdom?

Do you mean mysims kingdom? i have it on DS and to get to the ski slope, you go to the mountains (which you have to unlock) then go left till there's no more left to go to.then, go up. its there!

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the gondola

How do you find gondola base my sims kingdom?

you go to the town, then go to the right until u get to the space where Victoria the tennis girl and the tailor girl are, where the tennis court is, go up and u will see Emily (the girl in the pink hat) and that's where the gondola base should be but u have to build it first

Which is better My sims or My sims kingdom?

MY sims kingdom is better than that JUNK...

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I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions

Which is better your sims or your sims kingdom?

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