When he was in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber training to beat Cell.
I think he became Super Saiyan 2 after he died to save the world from Cell. If Goku could turn Super Saiyan 2 he would have beaten Cell himself, instead of making ohan fight him.
Gohan is stronger if goku is in his normal form but if they are both in super saiyan 2 form or if Goku is in super saiyan form then goku is stronger.
In the fictional TV series Dragon Ball, and all its successors, it is possible for a normal human to become a Super Saiyan by use of a Dragon Ball wish. Otherwise, according to Goku, a Saiyan unlocks the Super Saiyan transformation in a time of great need. However, Vegeta became a Super Saiyan just by desperately wanting to surpass Goku.
Goku does not turn super saiyan 6 or 5 in fact. and it only goes up to super saiyan 3 in the manga and super saiyan 4 in the cartoon.
160 is when he first went super saiyan 2 after training with goku (his dad) as a super saiyan 1 he was angry because cell killed so many people and killed one right in front of him so he got angry and went SUPER SAIYAN 2. P.S super saiyan 2 is the highest super saiyan gohan can do but in dragon ball AF gohan goes super saiyan 4 and goku goes super saiyan 50 that is all i can tell you.
you dont get him to be his form forever u need to get the orb in goku to go super saiyan
Goku can go up to Super Saiyan 4 there is no DB AF.
Goku SSJ4 is the most powerful super saiyan form that Goku can transform into
No super saiyan 4 is the max Goku can transform too.
Gohan is stronger if goku is in his normal form but if they are both in super saiyan 2 form or if Goku is in super saiyan form then goku is stronger.
Yes each super saiyan stage is stronger than the previous for example super saiyan 2 goku is stronger than super saiyan goku although the second stage is slower than the first stage power wise it's an improvement super siayan 3 is stronger than 2 and faster as well super saiyan 4 goku is the fastest super saiyan form (of goku only not counting fusion with vegeta) and is the last duper saiyan stage goku reaches.
In the fictional TV series Dragon Ball, and all its successors, it is possible for a normal human to become a Super Saiyan by use of a Dragon Ball wish. Otherwise, according to Goku, a Saiyan unlocks the Super Saiyan transformation in a time of great need. However, Vegeta became a Super Saiyan just by desperately wanting to surpass Goku.
Goku first achieved Super Saiyan Blue in the "Resurrection 'F'" saga, when he was around 40 years old.
Gogeta, the fusion of super saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta.
Super Saiyan 2 goku cause he was able to defeat Broly as a Super Saiyan 1
Goku does not turn super saiyan 6 or 5 in fact. and it only goes up to super saiyan 3 in the manga and super saiyan 4 in the cartoon.