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In the fictional TV series Dragon Ball, and all its successors, it is possible for a normal human to become a Super Saiyan by use of a Dragon Ball wish. Otherwise, according to Goku, a Saiyan unlocks the Super Saiyan transformation in a time of great need. However, Vegeta became a Super Saiyan just by desperately wanting to surpass Goku.

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Q: How do you transform into a super sayion?
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How can you transform into a super saiyan?

you just have to be a sayion here are some signs you get more powerfull when you get realy hurt you you get tons more powerfull when your mad or your born with kung fu skills ok so to unlock the super sayion within you you have to be someone who gets bullied alot then youll become pure hearted and youll vow to protect people like you all over the school then one the next day youll snap and start glowing and beat themen down to size but then youll head will start to hurt and youll only be able to see the glowing barely and they wont be able too i still need to learn how to complete it that's all i can do

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How do you transform into a super saiyan?

you need to have a pure heart, then you have this heart rate that will get you super angery, unleash your fury and you become a super saiyan