You need one tribute for a Lv5 or 6 monster, and two tributes for Lv7+, though many higher level monsters have additional or different requirements.
Unless they are monsters that are special summon only, level 7+ monsters require 2 tributes.
A level 7 monster needs two tributes; you can tribute a level 5 monster but must also tribute a second monster.
No tribute summon is a normal summon. It's called tribute because you have to pay the cost of the summon by sending 1 (for LV5 or LV6) or 2 (LV7+) monsters from the field to the graveyard.So basically it's same as a normal summon for a lower level monster.
A level 8 monster needs two tributes, so you can tribute a level 6 monster but must also tribute a second monster.
No, your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon any more monsters. They can, however, Tribute Summon monsters if they will end up having fewer or an equal amount of monsters as you. In this scenario, your opponent couldn't Tribute Summon a Level 5 or 6 monster because they would still have one more monster than you. But he/ she can tributed both monsters for a Level 7 or higher monster since they would end up with one monster. The same rule applies to tributes for a Special Summon for cards like "Destiny Hero - Plasma", "Voltanis the Adjudicator", Destiny Hero - Dogma", and more.
Unless they are monsters that are special summon only, level 7+ monsters require 2 tributes.
You don't need to sacrifice (tribute) any monsters to summon a level 4 monster. Level five monsters require one sacrifice.
No. You tribute one monster of any level to summon a lv 5 or 6 monster, and two monsters of any level to summon a lv7+ monster. Some monsters have additional requirements, three tributes for example. But the level of the tributed monster is rarely relevant.
A Tribute Summon is the "Normal Summon" of Level 5 or higher monsters. To Normal Summon these cards, you must first Tribute monsters on your side of the field. To Tribute Summon a Level 5 or 6 monster, you must Tribute one monster. To Tribute Summon a Level 5-12 monster, you must Tribute two monsters.To Set a Level 5 or higher monster, you must still follow the same guidelines concerning Tributes as stated above.A Tribute Summon is treated as a Normal Summon (however, some monsters state specific ones, such as the Monarch series). Therefore, you can generally only Tribute Summon or Tribute Set once during each turn (it also counts towards your Normal Summon limit). It is also important to note that Tributing a monster is considered a Cost for a Tribute Summon or Tribute Set. Because it is a Cost, if the Tribute Summon is negated by a card effect, the Tributed monster does not return to the field.For more information regarding Tribute Summoning and Tribute Sets, click on the appropriate "Related Links" below.
By their Effects, you can Tribute the following monsters by themselves to Tribute Summon monsters above Lv.6 of the corresponding Attributes:Flame Ruler - FIRETrojan Horse - EARTHWhirlwind Prodigy - WINDFor examples, you can Tribute 1 Flame Ruler to Tribute Summon Firestorm Prominence (a FIRE monster, Lv.7), and you can Tribute 1 Trojan Horse to Tribute Summon Raging Earth (an EARTH monster, Lv.7).
Yes. To Special Summon a Level 7 Toon Monster, you must Tribute any two monsters on your side of the field. For Levels 5-6, you must Tribute one. For Levels 7 and above, you must Tribute two. High Level Toon Monsters follow the same guidelines as Tribute Summons. Note that it is considered a Special Summon, not a Tribute Summon.
Taken from the Official English Rulebook: ...However, for Monsters that are Level 5 or higher, you must Tribute at least 1 monster you control before the Normal Summon. This is called a Tribute Summon. Monsters that are Level 5 or 6 require 1 Tribute and Monsters that are Level 7 or higher require 2 Tributes. Monsters that are Tributed are sent to the Graveyard and the "Tribute Monster" you are Summoning is played in face-up Attack position or face-down Defense position (a.k.a. a "Set").
You only need 2, like any other tribute monster that's level is 7+
No, because Tribute Summon is treated as a Normal Summon. Monsters that require tribute for a special summon (Toon monsters, Destiny Hero Plasma) are still Special Summons, not Tribute Summons.
It depends on the level. If it is 4 stars or under, then no. If it is 5-6 stars, then you need to tribute 1 monster. If it is 7-12 stars, you need to tribute 2 monsters. Many high level monsters cannot be tribute summoned though and will have their own summoning text.
No... a level 4 monster can be summoned without a tribute monster, but a level 5 and 6 needs 1 tribute monster and level 7 and so on needs 2 tribute monsters.
no. you use ultimate offering to NORMAL SUMMON one extra monster (basically you get to summon to level 4 or lower monsters). To summon the god cards you need to tribute 3 monsters.