

Best Answer

talk to the person iin front of steven hse

If you want an additional King's Rock,that is to use GameShark

The steps...

1.Go to YouTube and type this in the search box,Pokemon Emerald-ALL ITEM on sale!!! (you can just copy and paste from here.The user is smarkoh)

2.Go click on (more info) at the description and the cheat is available there.

3.Pls rate and comment.

***The cheat is for ALL(most) of the items and it only works for emerald

- Hey guys. You dont always need to depend on cheats. If you need King's rock , you can get it in Mossdeep city and if you need more , another way is to use a Zigzagoon or a Linoone. They have the ability to pick items , i got some Kings rock from my Linoone. Takes time but worth it. - NocheatguyMrB.

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Q: How do you get kings rock in Pokemon Emerald?
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On Pokemon sapphire On Pokemon sapphire vershen how do you get the hm rock climb?

Rock Climb doesn't exist in Sapphire. It actually exist in Emerald so trade a Pokemon from Emerald to Sapphire that has rock climb!

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you can find a kings rock on seven island in sevault canyon.

On Pokemon emerald where do you get rock climb?

you cant get rock climb there isn't one in emerald it was invented in diamond and pearl

Where can you give the kings rock in Pokemon Sapphire?

In Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, and Pokemon Emerald, a King's Rock can be obtained, after talking to a boy at Mossdeep City. He stands in front of Steven's House, which is located at the farthest left corner, of Mossdeep city. He tells you that Steven had given it to him, but unfortunately, he did not know how to use it.

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in mauville city.