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You Can't Get The HM Rock Climb In Pokemon Emerald Because Its Only Availible In Pokemon Diamond,Pearl,And Platinum.

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Q: How do you get TM rock climb in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you rock scale in Pokemon Platinum?

you can get a rock climb TM (i forget where) and teach it to an able pokemon.

Where is TM rock slide in Pokemon Emerald?

rockslide is not a TM in Pokemon rse but u can get it in battle frontier from a move tutor only in emerald idk about rs

What is TM to scale wall in Pokemon platinum?

rock climb XD

Where do you get the TM trick in Pokemon Emerald?

NOWHERE.The TM trick is not available as a TM in Pokemon Emerald

How do you find the TM scale in Pokemon HeartGold?

the TM is called rock climb and you have to beat all the kanto gyms to get it

Where can you find TM psychic in Pokemon Platinum?

Route 211 you need rock smash and rock climb!

Where do you find the TM rock climb in Pokemon soul silver?

Rock climb is an HM, not a TM, so you cannot just 'find' it. You have to get all 16 badges first, and then Professor Oak will call to give you a gift. The gift is the HM Rock Climb.

Where do you get the tm rock climb on pokemon diamond?

while you go to snowpoint city there will be a house a little above it theres a pokeball and it is actually rock climb.

How do you get up rocks in Pokemon platinum version?

Professor Oak gives HM08 Rock Climb to you after you get all 16 badges.

Where is TM rock climb?

you can get it from the seventh gym leader, Candice once you have defeated her at the snowpoint gym

Where do you get the TM ledg climb in Pokemon soul silver?

There is no TM ledge climb,, I think you mean the HM rock climb.. You'll get it after you beat kanto leader blue en go to professor oak

What is the TM for lick in Pokemon emerald?

there is no tm for lick