For a computer you can download and use Autoclicker. It's way faster than one by one.
Off of your computer, yes. But if you were wanting to know how to delete Roblox off of the internet, there is no possible solution.
You can't. You can only stop feed from coming to you. If you cut off the thing giving you feed. Such as the group shouts or the friend's statuses..
It is not possible to "turn off" the Roblox privacy policy. By using Roblox you agree to abide by the Roblox terms of service and privacy policy. You can adjust your privacy settings by clicking the "Account" option under "My Roblox".
Turn off antivirus or allow ROBLOX.
You press the "=+" button with add and equal signs then all your hats will come off.
Off of your computer, yes. But if you were wanting to know how to delete Roblox off of the internet, there is no possible solution.
You delete them from you Facebook!
To delete friends off your myspace go on home page, then next to profile there is the word "friends" click on it then over to the right in the middle click on edit friends Check off the friend you want to delete and then click Delete Selected Friends.
go to FRIENDS then go to edit friends, and delete them
go to the contacts app click the contact that u want to delete press edit then at the very bottom press delete contact
Actually, you can't delete an AIM acount or screen name. It's impossible. But if you don't you screen name, just tell your friends to delete you off there buddy list and delete all your friends, and never use your screen name again. That's what I did.
You click the "my friends" button then check off each friend then on the delete export email section then click on delete selected friends.
Go to your friends list, and click the (X) on their picture.
on your home page, go to edit friends and check the ones you want to delete and go to delete checked friend.
it can....but it shouldn't if it does turn your game off and then back on..... the percentage is: 99.99%-----------------------------------------------------00.01% not delete delete But let me assure you it won't.... I know from experience.... me and my friends used one and it deleted none of our games! I'd get a new one off of or ebay!
delete all pictures friends and name and information you can keep the page there but it wont be your page any more............or you can not get on there for a long time and they will delete you off there for not using the page.
Unfortunately, you cant at this time. Hopefully they will send out an update that will allow you to delete people off your friendslist.